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April 17,2023



What is "BeFit." about?
Fitness trackers are becoming a product for many peoples every day life. These trackers contain personal data tracking. Many factors can be accounted for the person who is wearing the tracker. The activity from the individual can then be turned into "body data", used to be aware of how active we are truly being each day.

What is the problem?
People often express a desire to walk or exercise but find it difficult to find the necessary motivation. Many own a personal fitness tracker, but not all achieve the amount of activity desired. Many people have a lack of accountability, time, and temptation to cheat. All of these factors lead to decreased motivation of staying fit.

What is our solution?
We had thought that a great solution would be a new Purdue app" BeFit." BeFit." is an app modeled after pre-existing app, "BeReal", made for students to hold themselves accountable in their fitness journeys. BeReal is a very popular app that is used by thousands of students every single day. "BeFit." syncs with a user's fitness tracker and each day sets a secret randomized step goal for the day. When the student reaches this varying step goal they get notified that it's time to "BeFit." They then have 2 minutes to take a photo of themselves working out. After posting, they are able to see everyone else on campus who hit the exercise goal for the day. This exterior motivation allows students to feel pressured to hit their exercise goals.

What verifies our solution?
My team members and I conducted many interviews with our peers here on Purdue's campus. These peers gave us valuable information for our solution, and all of them had said that this would motivate them to work out due to the sole factor of peer pressure. We had also done research on the effects of peer pressure. The studies done on peer pressure show that when in the presence of other friends , you will feel obligated to do as well as them or even better. We were given a lot of great feedback from our peers, one being that this should be it's own app rather than an extension on the BeReal app or our schools gym app. Our peers thought that if it was its own app, it would be more successful and have more exposure. Our idea developed from all of the feedback, and got rid of a few errors we had not previously thought about.

What were my contributions?
I had done interviews on one of my peers here at Purdue who is constantly at the gym. She gave me a lot of insights on what she thought about our idea and the motivation it attempts to provide. I also conducted research on the impacts of peer pressure, which helped us solidify our idea, considering that it provided a study proving that peer pressure is very beneficial in the gym with others of your age group. I helped break down the benefits of our solution, as well as the problems present. I also contributed to composing the documentation which contained all work done for the project.

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